Corporate Governance

World Bank Alliance

The IFC’s Corporate Governance program in Latin America and the Caribbean provides corporate governance advisory services based on the IFC’s methodology. The program’s purpose is to encourage and enhance knowledge in the region of the best corporate governance practices, in collaboration with local institutions.

CESA has been a strategic ally of the World Bank, through the IFC, in this effort since 2015, carrying out activities and meeting clear goals in research, training and outreach.

Colombian Corporate Governance Institute

In 2016, CESA’s broad commitment to generating spaces that strengthen business activity in Colombia led different national actors, each of them committed to good corporate governance practices, to create an institution that would promote improvements in organizations’ management and control. The Colombian Institute for Corporate Governance was born in 2017, with seven founding companies and 16 individuals. The current members are: Bancoldex, BNP Paribas, BVC, the Medellin Chamber of Commerce for Antioquia, Carvajal, CESA, Corona, Deloitte, Ecopetrol, EPM, Findeter, Grupo Argos, Grupo Bolivar, Grupo Energy Bogota, Grupo Exito, Grupo Familia, the Medellin Metro, Mineros, PEI Asset Management, Promigas, Proteccion, Scotia, Terpel, Uniandes, EAFIT University and Grupo Zona Franca (Free Zone) Bogota. 

Learn more about the ICGC here  


Desde el 2014, hemos sido invitados a las diferentes reuniones de la Red de Institutos de Gobierno Corporativo de Latino América (IGCLA), creada en el 2009 en Santiago de Chile en la Mesa Redonda de Gobierno Corporativo organizada por la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE) y la Corporación Financiera Internacional (IFC). Actualmente, somos miembro oficial de la IGCLA. La red busca alentar la adopción de las buenas prácticas de gobierno corporativo de las empresas de la región y desarrollar actividades conjuntas, además de compartir experiencias entre los diferentes institutos y centros asociados.

En el 2021, bajo nuestro liderazgo del Centro de Estudios en Gobierno Corporativo del CESA, se lanzó el sitio web de la red, el cual, contiene información de cada una de las organizaciones miembros del IGCLA y sus actividades alrededor de la efectiva promoción de las buenas prácticas del gobierno Corporativo. Sin lugar a duda este esfuerzo ha sido y continuará siendo posible, gracias al compromiso de los miembros de IGCLA y el apoyo de los multilaterales como IFC, BID Invest, CAF y la OCDE que nos acompañan desde la fundación.

Si deseas conocer más sobre esta iniciativa puedes ingresar a “Red IGCLA

Para conocer el Boletín 005 del IGCLA ingresa aquí

CEGC Agreement - Presidency of the Republic

Given the emphasis placed on the need to incorporate corporate governance practices in crucial sectors of the country, since the introduction of the “Pact for Colombia, Pact for Equity” National Development Plan (2018-2022), the Colombian Government, through its Presidential Council for Digital Transformation, Compliance AND Management (CPTDGC), established a cooperation agreement with CESA Business School in 2019, through CESA’s Center for Corporate Governance Studies (CEGC), to develop guidelines and strategies that would improve corporate governance practices in public sector entities. The prioritization of analyzing and accompanying entities in the health and education sector was established through this agreement, as these are crucial sectors for Colombia’s economic and social development, and for the wellbeing of all Colombians. It is therefore vitally important to ensure the entities they oversee are governed in the best possible way, in order to ensure these state-owned functions achieve the appropriate strategic direction, the fulfillment of the established objectives, the appropriate management of resources, and the greatest possible impact on society.

Organizational governance in the public sector

In 2021, thanks to findings and recommendations derived from diagnoses of the prioritized entities, in the health and education sector, it became possible to identify practices that could be recommended transversally to public entities in all sectors, reflected in a document entitled: “Organizational Governance in the public sector: recommendations for public entities.” This document contained the main guidelines and good practices that could be implemented in the different public entities, recommending practices for each entity to analyze and potentially adopt, in order to strengthen its corporate governance and sustainability. These recommendations were reviewed from a technical point of view by, and complemented with suggestions from, the Colombian Institute for Corporate Governance and the IFC of the World Bank Group.

To consult the document, click here “Organizational Governance in the public sector”