What do we do?

What do we do?

The CEGC has carried out various activities to further its development as a center for the exchange of information and knowledge in corporate governance and sustainability. This is achieved by creating spaces on the following fronts: research, training and a relationship with the business sector.


Through its corporate governance and sustainability research agenda, the CEGC generates publications that respond to academic rigor, but are also relevant to the Colombian business sector. Publicaciones. 

Click here to visit the CEGC publications


The CEGC has developed programs to update knowledge, and has managed to influence the issues addressed by CESA’s postgraduate and undergraduate programs. It carries out the training of corporate governance actors on a recurring basis, working with boards of directors and senior management teams at every type of organization in the country, for-profit and non-profit, public and private.

Relationship with the business sector

The CEGC carries out activities at the company level that seek to improve corporate governance and sustainability practices through advice and technical support. This includes consulting projects for the assessment and development of good corporate governance practices, as well as technical support processes carried out by CESA’s CEGC – individually as well as jointly alongside the World Bank through the IFC, the Colombian Institute for Corporate Governance and Page Executive, among other allies. 

In terms of its relationship with the business sector, the CEGC is the technical ally of various counterparts in the market, among them the Colombian Stock Exchange, the IFC of the World Bank Group, and various of the country’s superintendencies, professional and business associations, and chambers of commerce. CEGC members also accompany various organizations, from new ventures to university or state entities, in the development and consolidation of good corporate governance practices. Among the organizations forming part of this process are companies that are among the most liquid of issuers on the Colombian Stock Exchange.

In terms of institutional activism, the CEGC has the role of technical secretary for initiatives such as Colombia’s 30% club and the BIC Condition Observatory.