Center for Corporate Governance Studies - CESA

CESA School of Business’ Center for Corporate Governance Studies (CEGC) was Colombia’s first think tank on this subject when it was founded in 2010.

It was formed under the leadership of researchers Maria Andrea Trujillo and Alexander Guzman, full professors, members of the institution’s faculty, and recognized since 2015 as senior researchers by the Colombian Ministry of Sciences. The CEGC therefore has its basis in research, generating training, dissemination and support spaces for organizations to advance the implementation of good corporate governance and sustainability practices, for the growth of the business ecosystem and Colombia’s development.

Alexander Guzmán Vásquez

Full Profesor and Co-Director of CEGC at CESA

Maria Andrea Trujillo Dávila

Full Profesor and Co-Director of CEGC at CESA

Trajectory and Allies

The CEGC has, throughout the years, contributed to the establishment of good practices in both the public and private sectors, hand-in-hand with allies such as the IFC of the World Bank Group, the Presidency of the Republic, the National Education Ministry, the Colombian Stock Exchange, the Colombian Institute for Corporate Governance, the Financial Superintendence, the Superintendence of Companies, the Health Superintendence, the Family Subsidy Superintendence, the Private Competitiveness Council, Confecamaras, the Bogota Chamber of Commerce and the Medellin Chamber of Commerce for Antioquia, among others.

Information Exchange

Since its creation, the CEGC has been a space for exchanging information and knowledge related to corporate and sustainability governance, consolidating itself as the field’s chief academic and technical ally across multiple participation scenarios.

Corporate Governance Strategy

Social Management

Environmental Management

Human Capital